The Blueprint supports Patient Centered Medical Homes and Community Health Teams to promote care coordination, panel management, and integrated care for mental health and substance use disorders. Patient Centered Medical Homes supported by Community Health Teams are also intended to support people who need additional resources to address health-related social needs such as case management, housing, economic services, food insecurity, transportation, and long-term placement.
Beginning in 2023, the Mental Health Integration Into Primary Care (CHT Expansion) Program increased Community Health Teams' capacity to provide co-occurring mental health and substance use screening, brief intervention, treatment, and navigation to and coordination of services.
Please reference the Blueprint glossary of key terms [PDF] for ease of understanding of frequently used acronyms and terms. Review the Evidence to Support Integrated Primary Care [PDF] for state, national, and international data.
Mental Health Integration Into Primary Care (CHT Expansion) - Work Groups and Development
The Blueprint for Health’s Mental Health Integration Into Primary Care (CHT Expansion) Work Groups were created with the intention of working collaboratively to discuss design, implementation, measurement, and payment management of the program in accordance with each branch of the approved proposal in response to ACT 167. They met frequently from March 2023 to June 2023 under the titles of Program Design, Measurement & Evaluation, and Payment. They continued to meet from February 2024 to April 2024 to discuss progress and implementation of Year 2.
Listed below are the Goals and Deliverables of each Work Group, as well as PDF copies of all presentations and minutes given on their respective meeting dates.
Program Design
- Articulate program goals and objectives
- Define integration model(s)
- Identify target populations
- Refine CHT Plan Guidance
- Identify CHT Staffing Requirements
- Address scope of work
- Identify education, licensing, and clinical supervision requirements
- Define standardized practices
- Identify screening/risk identification strategies
- Identify assessment and intervention strategies
- Define referral workflows and care coordination
- Define implementation support inputs
- Address training needs
- Identify tools and report access
- Implement continuous quality improvement support
Model Description, which includes:
- Program objectives and goals
- Staffing criteria
- Screening and assessment criteria
- Integration best practices
- Care coordination and referral pathway requirements
Implementation Support Documentation, which includes:
- Required tools and forms
- Standardized job descriptions
- Training Criteria
- Continuous quality improvement requirements
Mental Health Integration Into Primary Care (CHT Expansion) Planning Guidance Documentation, which includes:
- Defined processes and steps for each Health Service Area Administrative Entity to provide a written plan pertaining to:
- Staffing plans
- Hiring entities
- Clinical supervision plans
- Practice integration strategy
February 15, 2024: Presentation, Minutes
February 22, 2024: Presentation, Mental Health Integration Into Primary Care Screening Tools, Minutes
For the final version of the Blueprint Mental Health Integration Into Primary Care Screening Tools Spreadsheet go to Implementation Materials
March 30th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
April 13th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
April 27th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
May 11th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
June 8th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
June 22nd, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
Measurement and Evaluation
- Define evaluation principles in alignment with program goals and objectives
- Identify indicators for monitoring and measurement
- Structural measures
- Process measures
- Outcome measures
- Outline evaluation methods and data collection processes
- Document evaluation plan
Evaluation plan, which will include:
- Background/Evaluation Purpose/Scope
- Logic Model or Theory of Change
- Program Goals and Objectives
- Assumptions
- Evaluation Questions
- Data Collection Plan (Sources, Methods, Timing, Responsibility)
- Stakeholder Matrix
- Data Sources/Evaluation Question Matrix
- Ethical Considerations
- Reporting Products
- Communication Plan
- Timelines
February 21, 2024: Minutes, Presentation
March 6th, 2024: Minutes
March 13th, 2024: Minutes, Presentation
March 22nd, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
April 4th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
April 19th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
May 17th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
May 31st, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
June 14th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
June 28th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
- Determine payment methodology
- Attributions
- Define reporting and accountability criteria
- Program requirements
- Hiring/Staffing
- Vacancy management
- Establish systems for Tracking and Accounting
- Expansion CHT fund use tracking
- Overall CHT fund use tracking
- Update payment administration protocols
- Timelines
- Documentation & manual revisions
Payment Documentation, which will include:
- Payment Calculation Methodology Summary
- Attribution
- Payment amounts
- Payment Procedures
- Criteria for initiation of payment
- Timelines
- Procedures for lapses in meeting program requirements
- Discontinuation of payments
- Blueprint Portal Requirements
April 26th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
May 24th, 2023: Presentation, Minutes
June 28, 2023: Presentation, Minutes