Education and Training
Blueprint for Health supports progress and development in health and wellness. Please find a calendar below and through the links at the left discover opportunities for further education and training.
Please contact with any questions.
Calendar Key
Community Health Worker Training |
Community Health Worker Supervisor Training |
Motivational Interviewing Training |
Structural Competency Webinar |
Pride Center Webinars |
Pediatric Model Webinar |
Lunch and Learn Webinars |
CARE Series Webinars |
Bridges Out of Poverty Training
Training Calendar 2024-2025
March 27, noon-1:30: Youth Mental Health (Teams)
April 3, noon-1:30: Youth Substance Use (Teams)
April 4, noon-1:00: Act 111/Department of Financial Regulation Guidance Lunch and Learn (Teams)
April 14, noon-1:00 PM: Blueprint 101 presentation (Teams)
April 18, noon - 1:00: Healthy Living for your Brian and Body Lunch and Learn (Teams)
April 21, 8 AM to 4 PM: Save the date: In-person Bridges Out of Poverty Training, Asa Bloomer Building, Rutland, VT
April 24, noon - 1:00 PM: Pharmacology for SUD & Mental Health in Pregnancy & Postpartum (Register here)
April 25, 8 AM - 12:30 PM: Community Health Workers in a Primary Care Setting (in person at the Winston Prouty Center in Brattleboro)
April 25, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Foundations for Community Health Worker Supervision and Support (in person at the Winston Prouty Center in Brattleboro)
May 1, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Pediatric Team-Based Care (Teams)
May 8, noon-1 PM: - SUD Patients Affected by Sexual Violence and Coercion (Register)
May 7, 8 AM - 4 PM: Save the date: In-person Bridges Out of Poverty Training, Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital, St. Johnsbury
May 15, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Working with 2STLGBQ+ Peoples (Teams)
May 22, 8:30 AM -4:00 PM: Motivational Interviewing: The Basics (in person at NMC, St. Albans)
May 28, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM: Motivational Interviewing: The Basics (in person at Winston Prouty Center, Brattleboro)
SAVE THE DATE June 2, 8 AM - 4 PM: CARES Conference, Montpelier, in-person
June 5, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Pediatric Food Insecurity (Teams)
June 17, noon - 1:00: PCMH Care Plan Lunch and Learn (Teams)
June 18, 8 AM - 4 PM: Save the date: In-person Bridges Out of Poverty Training, Waterbury State Office Complex, Waterbury
June 25, noon - 1 PM: Dental Options for Under-served Patients with Substance Use Disorders (webinar link forthcoming)
June 26, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Family and Community Supports (Teams)
June TBA, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM: Community Health Workers in a Primary Care Setting (in person in Rutland TBD)
June TBA, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Foundations for Community Health Worker Supervision and Support (in person in Rutland TBD)
July 3, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Interpersonal Violence (Teams)
July 10, 12:00-1:00 PM: Team Treatment of Co-Occurring Anxiety & SUD (webinar link forthcoming)
Community Health Worker Training
These trainings are primarily intended for Blueprint-funded community health workers or their supervisors. Topics are based on feedback received from our teams and sessions are scheduled through 2024 into 2025.
Community Health Worker Supervisor Training
Supervisors of Blueprint-funded community health workers are encouraged to attend one of these sessions.
Motivational Interviewing Training
These trainings are open to Blueprint-funded staff. Motivational Interviewing a particular way of talking with people about change and growth to strengthen their own motivation and commitment.
These trainings are available for Blueprint-funded Community Health Team staff only. Select one of these all-day virtual sessions titled Structural Competence and Cultural Humility to Address Disparities and Inequities.
These monthly Teams-based sessions are offered in conjunction with the Vermont Department of Health/Division of Family and Child Health (FCH). The series emphasizes a relational approach and trust building with families to promote social-emotional health among our pediatric patient population.
The Pride Center of Vermont trainings are open to all Blueprint-funded staff, and staff members of the Blueprint for Health and Blueprint-associated practices, even if they are not Blueprint funded. The training will offer a brief overview of identity development, provide exercises to distinguish and understand the components of the 2STLGBQ+ acronym, facilitate a discussion around pronouns and how to normalize conversations regarding personal pronouns, review the minority stress model, and hold a wrap-up conversation where participants identify best practices when working with 2STLGBQ+clients using all of their newly gained information.
Blueprint offers monthly Teams-based seminars covering a variety of health-related topics. These sessions are open to the public. Links are shared via email. Contact for more information.
Advanced Opioid Use Disorder X-Waiver Team Learning Collaboratives
The AXL trainings are still available online. However, the series is now known as the CARE Series. Please see the description below.
Collaborative to Advance Mental Health Treatment and Substance Use Recovery for Everyone
The CARE series of webinars are live trainings that are recorded and available online afterward. These sessions are delivered by the Dartmouth College Center for Technology and Behavioral Health and are meant to support the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders in primary care and other settings.
A selection of online trainings you can access and utilize at your own pace. Many courses offer CEUs or CMEs, and some are fee-based.
General Trainings from Other Organizations
Sometimes Blueprint is informed of trainings or opportunities provided by other organizations. We offer this information in good faith but have no influence over content or reliability of outside groups.