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Quality Measure Crosswalk PCMH ResourcesPerformance PaymentsPerformance Payment MeasuresQuality Improvement Playlist Specialty QI Faciltation

The Quality Measure Crosswalk is intended to provide users with a basic understanding of quality reporting and payment initiatives relevant to Vermont Primary Care Practices.

Which includes the lead organization and purpose of such initiatives, the measures used by each initiative, and any overlap in measures across initiatives. Developed collaboratively to assist practices with their quality improvement efforts, this tool is an interactive resource that allows you to search for measures by domain or participating program, identifies key contacts for each sponsoring organization, and provides additional relevant information about quality measurement. This is an Excel document.

View the Primary Care Quality Measure Crosswalk here.

NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Resources

NCQA Resource Sheet [PDF]

PCMH Guidelines for a Successful Survey [PDF]

PCMH Standardized Measurement - NCQA

eCQM Resource Center

The Blueprint for Health offers a performance payment to participating Patient-Centered Medical Homes recognizing high performance and improvement in health service utilization and quality of care.

The Blueprint for Health 2024 Performance Payment Profile [PDF] provides the most recent performance payment quality measures and explains the scoring system and payment calculations.

Historical Performance Payment Quality Measures

Understanding Blueprint Performance Payment Measures: What they are, how they are measured, and what practices can do to improve.

View Understanding Blueprint Performance Payment Measures here. [PDF]

Quality Improvement Playlist

Compiled by Bi-State Primary Care Association, this playlist includes short and concise videos on some of the fundamental concepts of quality improvement in health care.

View the Quality Improvement Playlist here.

Blueprint for Health Specialty Quality Improvement Facilitation

About the Program

To support the ongoing integration of mental health and substance use interventions in Primary Care, Dr. Monique Thompson ND, CPHQ, a Specialized Quality Improvement Facilitator for the Vermont Blueprint for Health, is offering 1:1 and small group sessions to Vermont Patient-Centered Medical Home providers focused on considerations for providers and patients with when exploring complementary and alternative medical approaches to depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders.

By participating in these sessions, providers will:

1. Understand the key findings from a literature review of complementary and alternative medical approaches for these conditions,

2. Increase provider and patient comfort discussing current and potential uses of complementary and alternative treatments,

3. Consider ways complementary and alternative treatments can supplement and/or enhance allopathic interventions that aim to reduce mental health symptoms, decrease substance use, and promote harm reduction.

These sessions are offered using the principles of academic detailing:  an educational and quality-focused outreach to healthcare providers where evidence-based research is presented, with succinct recommendations how to integrate the information into the daily care of patients.  These sessions are one-on-one in-person sessions, lasting 15-20 minutes. These sessions are targeted towards MDs, NPs, DOs, PAs, NPs, RNs, and other licensed clinicians.


If you are a Blueprint for Health provider/clinician, and would like more information, or are interested in this support, please contact Dr. Thompson at


Dr. Thompson’s years of experience in public and private healthcare has afforded her the opportunity to work, collaborate, strategize and partner with numerous national, regional, and international healthcare service providers.

Serving as the Manager of Healthcare Quality and Wellness Development for the national Universal Health Coverage (UHC) program in The Bahamas , Dr. Thompson worked closely with PAHO/WHO to design and implement an effective quality program for UHC with a focus on people-centered care. An integral aspect of the project was the development, enhancement and implementation of regionally and internationally acceptable standards for numerous healthcare facility types including primary care practices, point-of-care testing sites, laboratories, and diagnostic imaging facilities which ensured the delivery of safe, quality services.As the Clinical Lead for the implementation of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) for the UHC program, Dr. Thompson also established the Primary Care Information Project (PCIP) which leveraged data from the EHR to understand the health of the population and ultimately improve health outcomes in a country plagued with non-communicable diseases.

 Dr. Thompson has served her community through clinical practice and has worked as a community health educator, presenter, adjunct professor, and columnist.

Dr. Thompson is a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality and has completed training from the National Resource Center for Academic Detailing (NaRCAD) at Boston Medical Center.

Looking for additional Academic Detailing offerings? Please visit our partners at the UVM Larner College of Medicine.