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About the Blueprint

The Vermont Blueprint for Health designs community-led strategies for improving health and well-being.

Current Blueprint programs include Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Community Health Teams, the Hub & Spoke system of opioid use disorder treatment, the Pregnancy Intention InitiativeSelf-Management and Healthier Living Workshops, full population data and analytics for policymakers, communities, and practices, and a series of learning labs for providers and community teams.

The Blueprint’s design work responds to the emerging needs of Vermonters and the latest opportunities in health and human services reform, creating change in the delivery system. This work began with patient-centered primary care and community health, then a system of treatment for opioid use disorder, and is now addressing the social determinants of health. The Blueprint Network of locally hired Program Managers, Community Health Team Leaders, and Quality Improvement Facilitators work with ACO and community-based partners to lead the implementation of these innovations in practices and communities across Vermont.

The state-level Blueprint team is a unit within the Department of Vermont Health Access and collaborates with the Department’s payment reform, quality, and clinical units. As part of the Agency of Human Services leadership group, the Blueprint is positioned to contribute to both health and human services reforms. The program has consistently benefitted from strong support from the Vermont Legislature and the Governor.

Blueprint programs are continuously informed by comprehensive evaluations of healthcare quality and outcomes at the practice, community, and state levels. These evaluations have demonstrated that Blueprint programs slow the growth in healthcare costs while maintaining or improving outcomes.

As the care delivery system and payment model evolve, the Blueprint’s aim is constant: connecting Vermonters with whole-person care that is evidence-based, patient- and family-centered, and cost-effective.

Blueprint 101 Orientation

The Blueprint offers this orientation for our field staff and partners a few times yearly.

The next Blueprint 101 will be held

Monday, April 14, 2025 12:00 PM-1:00 PM

on Teams.

If you would like a presentation on a different date, please contact Julie Parker.

You may access a read-only version of the BP101 Presentation here. This file is for reference only and should not be altered. Please contact Julie Parker for specialized slides or to schedule a presentation. Thank you.