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Oct. 3rd: Lunch & Learn: Medical/Dental Health Integration

Lunch & Learn: Medical & Dental Health Integration 

Thursday October 3rd, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

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Title: Minimally Invasive Dental Care: New Opportunities for Medical Dental Health Integration

12:00-12:45 Presentation by Dr. Johhny Norris with Introduction by Robin Miller

12:45-1:00: Q and A with presenters


Robin Bio:  Robin Miller, RDH, MPH, has been employed by the Vermont Department of Health’s Office of Oral Health since 1998. She began her career with the State as a Dental Health Educator and was promoted to Oral Health Director in 2015. Robin serves as the President-Elect on the Executive Board of the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors and as the chairperson of the ASTDD’s Basic Screening Survey Community of Practice. In addition to her work with ASTDD, she is a former board member and current member of the Vermont Public Health Association.


Dr. Norris’ Bio: Dr. Jonathan Norris is a Board-Certified pediatric dentist practicing in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Since 2017 he has been an advocate of practicing minimally invasive dentistry with a focus on non-surgical intervention and reducing pediatric sedations.  By adopting the medical management of dental decay, he has significantly reduced the number of children treated under sedation. As a result, he has given up operating room privileges previously held at six hospitals. He is passionate about educating the medical and dental profession on the impact of minimally invasive dentistry on patients, providers, payers, and practices.

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