Integrating Medical and Social Services
The 2016 Annual conference was held on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at the Sheraton Hotel, Burlington, VT.
Vermont Blueprint for Health 2016 Conference Brochure
Vermont Blueprint for Health 2016 Agenda
American Health Care: Spending More, Getting Less
Elizabeth H. Bradley, PhD
Brady-Johnson Professor of Grand Strategy
Faculty Director, Yale Global Health Leadership Institute
Yale School of Public Health
Oregon's Health Reform: Learnings from the Road to Comprehensive Health System Change
Bruce Goldberg, MD
Oregon Health and Science University:
Senior Fellow, Center for Health Systems Effectiveness
Senior Associate Director, Oregon Rural Practice Based Research Network
Two Other Systems to Consider: Health and Healthcare in Ontario and Scotland
Peter D. Donnelly, MD
President and CEO
Public Health Ontario
Britain's Next Top Model (of Care)
Claire Oatway, MBA, FRSA
Chief Operating Officer
Beacon Medical Group
The Unified Care Organization: A Big Step for Vermont
Panel Moderator: Todd Moore, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
OneCare Vermont
In-Depth Dialogue and Learnings from (Breakout Sessions)
Breakout #1 - Moving Upstream: Investing for State Health (Elizabeth H. Bradley, PhD, MBA and Erika Rogan, MSc)
Breakout #2 - Oregon (Bruce Goldberg, MD)
Breakout #3 - Ontario and Scotland (Peter Donnelly, MD)
Breakout #4 - Britain (Claire Oatway, MBA, FRSA)