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Employment Opportunity - Quality Improvement Facilitator at Rutland Regional Medical Center

Quality Improvement Facilitator Position at Rutland Regional Medical Center

The Quality Improvement Facilitator (QIF) is a grant-funded position that coaches primary care and specialty practices in the transformation to become certified NCQA Patient Centered Medical Homes. The QIF works with the Rutland Health Service area Primary Care Practices that are engaged in Vermont’s Blueprint for Health.  The QIF assists health care teams in assessing, prioritizing process improvements, developing and implementing action plans, and evaluating improvements.   The QIF works collaboratively with local Blueprint Teams, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) to support community-based Quality Improvement efforts. The QIF position may be renewed for subsequent years. This is a grant-funded position through the Vermont Blueprint for Health.

For more information and to apply click the link below. 

RRMC Quality Improvement Facilitator Position Available